January Calendar 

Elko, Nevada

January Calendar  Ruby Mountain Square Dance Club Thursday, January 2, 6-8:00pm Ruby Mountain Square Dance Club invites everyone to come learn Western Square Dancing age 8-88 dance Thursday at Elko Senior Center 1795 Ruby View Drive. The lessons are free. For more info call or text Dixie at 775-934-6225

Celebrate Recovery

Elko, Nevada

Celebrate Recovery Thursday, January 2, 6-9:00pm Celebrate Recovery at Calvary Baptist Church meets at 577 Walnut Street in Elko ever Thursday at 6 p.m. This is a Bible Based 12 Step Recovery Program meeting at  night. Return to Hope. Join us from 6:00-9:00 p.m. to Rebuild, Renew, and Restore that […]

Sunrise Toastmasters on Zoom

Elko, Nevada

Sunrise Toastmasters on Zoom Friday, January 3, 6:35-7:45am Sunrise Toastmasters meets every Friday from 6:35-7:45 a.m., online via hybrid via Zoom or in person at 1795 Rubyview Dr Elko. Be our guest! Join a group of friendly folks who learn by doing to gain communication and leadership skills needed to achieve personal […]

NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group

Elko, Nevada

NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Monday, January 6, 5:30-7:00pm Peer-led support group for people ages 18+ with any mental health condition. Meets Mondays at 5:30pm, First Presbyterian Church, 1559 Sewell Dr., Elko. Contact Haley, 775-299-2837 with questions.

Volunteer Chili Feed & Training for the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering

Elko, Nevada

Volunteer Chili Feed & Training for the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Tuesday, January 7, 6-8:00pm  Volunteer Chili Feed & Training for the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering - Lead volunteers will train volunteers in the specific roles, and new volunteers will have a chance to sign up for the 40th Gathering. Sign […]

Al-Anon Hybrid Meetings

Spring Creek, NV

Al-Anon Hybrid Meetings - Spring Creek Tuesday, January 7, from 6-7:00pm Al-Anon Hybrid Meetings (choose in-person or virtual).  Spring Creek Step Study Group meets Tuesdays from 6-7 p.m. at the Spring Creek Baptist Church, 360 Spring Creek Parkway.  If you or someone you know is worried about a family member […]

Horizon Hospice Grief Support Group

Elko, Nevada

Horizon Hospice Grief Support Group Tuesday, January 7, 6-7:00pm Join us at Horizon Hospice for our regular support groups at the Horizon Center. These groups meet once or twice a month to provide consistent support for those navigating grief during the school year.  We extend a warm welcome to anyone […]

Jam On!

Elko, Nevada

Jam On! Wednesday, January 8, 6-8:00pm All musicians and spectators are welcome at this monthly jam session. Facilitated by members of Southwind and other community musicians, Jam On! features a mix of old-time fiddle tunes, folk songs, country tunes, ballads and more. Lead a song for the group, join in on tunes […]


Elko, Nevada

TOPS Club Thursday, January 9, 9-10:30am TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) invites you to join us in a supportive atmosphere for weight loss and healthy living, at the Terrace Senior Center, 1795 Ruby View Drive, from 9:00 to 10:30. You may attend one meeting as a visitor. All ages are […]

Sunrise Toastmasters on Zoom

Elko, Nevada

Sunrise Toastmasters on Zoom Friday, January 10, 6:35-7:45am Sunrise Toastmasters meets every Friday from 6:35-7:45 a.m., online via hybrid via Zoom or in person at 1795 Rubyview Dr., Elko. Be our guest! Join a group of friendly folks who learn by doing to gain communication and leadership skills needed to achieve personal […]

Al-Anon Hybrid Meetings

Spring Creek, NV

Al-Anon Hybrid Meetings - Spring Creek Tuesday, January 14, 6-7:00pm Al-Anon Hybrid Meetings (choose in-person or virtual).  Spring Creek Step Study Group meets Tuesdays from 6-7 p.m. at the Spring Creek Baptist Church, 360 Spring Creek Parkway.  If you or someone you know is worried about a family member or […]

Gathering Volunteer Training

Elko, Nevada

Gathering Volunteer Training Tuesday, January 14, 6-8:00pm  Gathering Volunteer Training - In case you missed the Chili Feed & Volunteer Training. Lead volunteers will train volunteers in the specific roles, and new volunteers will have a chance to sign up for the 40th Gathering. Sign up to volunteer here. 501 […]