Submitted by Two Wild Poppies

A fun gardening activity in the fall is creating a “bulb lasagna” or “bulb layering” garden. This involves planting layers of different types of flower bulbs in a single container or garden bed, allowing you to enjoy a burst of colorful blooms in the spring. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Select Your Bulbs: Choose a variety of spring-flowering bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, crocuses, and hyacinths. Select bulbs with varying bloom times and colors to ensure a continuous display of flowers.
  2. Choose a Container or Location: You can either use a large container or a designated garden bed for this activity. If using a container, make sure it has good drainage.
  3. Prepare the Soil: Fill your container or garden bed with well-draining potting mix. You can also add a layer of compost to improve soil fertility.
  4. Start Layering: Begin by planting the largest bulbs (e.g., tulips or daffodils) at the deepest level, about 8-10 inches deep. Cover them with a layer of soil.
  5. Add Middle Layer: Plant the next layer of bulbs (e.g., hyacinths or smaller daffodils) about 5-6 inches deep. Cover with soil.
  6. Top Layer: Plant the smallest bulbs (e.g., crocuses or snowdrops) at the shallowest level, about 2-3 inches deep. Cover with a final layer of soil.
  7. Water: Give your bulb lasagna a good water after planting to settle the soil and encourage root growth.
  8. Mulch: Add a layer of mulch (such as straw or shredded leaves) to help insulate the bulbs and protect them from extreme temperatures.
  9. Labeling: Place plant labels or markers in the container or bed to remember what you’ve planted and where.
  10. Enjoy the Show: As the spring approaches, your layered bulbs will begin to sprout and bloom in succession, creating a stunning and vibrant display of flowers.

This activity not only allows you to flex your gardening skills but also gives you something to look forward to as you anticipate the colorful blooms in the following spring. It’s a creative and enjoyable way to extend the gardening season and make the most of the fall planting window.
