Month: May 2019

Ruby Mountain Chiropractic OMega-3

Health Facts about OMEGA-3

By Dr. Todd Wendell of Ruby Mountain Chiropractic Feeling down or just not yourself? Omega-3 has been linked to improved mental health. What is Omega-3 and why is it important? First, it is a fat. The good type of fat. The “omega” is simply a way organic chemists name the […]

Elko Mural Expo

Elko Mural Expo

Downtown Elko is about to go through a transformation bigger than any it has seen since the railroad tracks were moved out in the early 1980s. September 26-29 will bring the Elko Mural Expo The Elko Arts and Cultural Advisory Board along with state non-profit organization Art Spot Reno have […]

Nevada Wetlands

Celebrating the Wonders of Wetlands

Wetlands are the link between land and water – where the flow of water, the cycling of nutrients, and the energy of the sun meet to create highly productive ecosystems with unique plant and animal life.  300+ native animal species and 50+ native plant species depend on Nevada’s Wetlands! Wetlands refer to […]